
'Making Waves' An online and physical exhibition showing researchers, clinicians and staff at the National Heart & Lung Institute

Mark Rylance, actor, for BBC/Holy Mountain Productions

Mr Harith Akram, consultant neurosurgeon at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (UCLH)

Molly Naylor, writer and performer

D J Taylor, author

Cathal Coughlan, singer & musician. Wapping, February 2022

Shenice Lalor, Engineering Technical Assistant, Imperial College London

Exhibition of staff portraits, Francis Crick Institute

Exhibition of staff portraits, Francis Crick Institute

Don Letts, DJ, film director & musician

The Vagaband, Town & Country album cover

Helen Ivory, poet & author

Big Boss Man

Karen Reilly, Klanghaus, Southbank Centre

Pip Blom, musician, Amsterdam

Yuki Tokumaru, Senior Academic, Imperial College London

Martin Figura, writer and performer

Dr William Frankland MBE, allergist and originator of the pollen count

Margaret Atwood, novelist

Gary Numan, musician

Michael Bearpark, scientist and musician, for Imperial College

Morena Mills, Natural Scientist, Imperial College London

David Fung, magician